Rapid Transformational Therapy


A feeling will continue until it no longer needs to be felt.

– Marisa Peer


RTT helps you with…

  • Breaking bad habits
  • Achieving your goals
  • Believing in yourself again
  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Love yourself again
  • Find yourself again
  • overcoming addictions
  • Physical complaints
  • To really get a sense of purpose in life again
  • to be more successful in business
  • Giving presentations
  • Speed reading, concentration and studying
  • Overcoming Procrastination
  • overcoming fears and phobias
  • Recovering from toxic relationships
  • Getting rid of money blocks
  • Free pent-up feelings
  • Getting rid of excess weight
  • Smoking cessation
  • Improving sports performance

Why can RTT help you in so many different areas?

RTT is a proven and effective method. It combines the best things in hypnosis, CBT, psychotherapy, psychology, healing, and neurolinguistic programming (or NLP).

Hypnosis gives direct access to your subconscious mind and therefore also to the underlying reasons (the source) of your current obstructive patterns. That source is usually based on the beliefs we formed when we were children. Insights that we have now as adults, we didn’t have as children.

During hypnosis you observe yourself and these insights without judgment. At that point, it’s relatively easy to let them go. When you have let go of old blockages and limiting thoughts and beliefs, you are more open to new beliefs that are positive and just help you move forward.

Things that you can talk about for years in talk therapy, you discover through hypnosis within one session. This entrance via hypnosis saves you a lot of time (and money) and the results are much better.



girl in field

What is hypnotherapy actually?

The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word hypnos, which means sleep. Hypnosis causes your critical brain to go to sleep, giving you access to your subconscious brain and discovering which experiences and thoughts prevent you from making the right choices in your life.

Hypnosis is a natural state of being that you already experience several times a day in one form or another in your daily life, for example just before you fall asleep, when you read a good book, stand in the shower for a long time, or when you are daydreaming on the train. We consciously evoke this relaxed state of being when you attend an RTT session.

The subconscious mind - hypnotherapist RTT Niki Van Oppens

Working with the subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is like a vault where you keep all the information that is important to you. For example, you may have experienced certain things that you no longer consciously remember, but that are still in your subconscious and still influence how you think and what you do.

The subconscious mind is controlled by the brain, but is actually located in your body. It keeps track of information that has been repeated over and over again, whether it’s an event, a thought, or your bank card PIN. That explains that even when you’re exhausted and your brain won’t cooperate, you automatically type in the PIN code, enter your password from your computer and why everything always seems worse than when you’re wide awake and have a clear mind.

Trained by Marisa Peer

Who invented Rapid Transformational Therapy?

RTT is a form of hypnotherapy developed by Marisa Peer, an English-speaking and highly successful hypnotherapist, who over the past 35 years has developed and refined her own method into an amazingly powerful therapy.

Marisa Peer is a world-renowned speaker, therapist and bestselling author. Marisa and her method have been awarded several awards in recent years. She has been named Best British Therapist several times and is also in Tatler’s Guide to Britain’s 250 Best Doctors.

She has helped many celebrities, including Oscar-winning actors, rock stars, elite Olympic athletes, CEOs, and even Royalty. Her Rapid Transformational Therapy has achieved globally validated results and has received accreditation in the US, UK and Australia, among others.

I am truly proud that I was trained by her and her team, both online and Live in Amsterdam, to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist.



Light bulb RTT session

The structure of an RTT session

  • We immediately look for the root cause of the problem.
  • We tell your subconscious mind why it is no longer relevant to perpetuate the problem.
  • We let go of the old, limiting beliefs.
  • We free pent-up feelings.
  • We reprogram your subconscious mind with powerful, positive affirmations, which become your new beliefs.



Therapy is not just for depression or severe trauma.

Often therapy only seems to be for people with severe mental or emotional problems. That’s fine, but it doesn’t have to be. Therapy can also help you with small things that annoy you or just make you insecure; a spider phobia, writer’s block, self-sabotage, feeling insecure about your body, feeling insecure between the sheets or in relationships, while generally living a very happy life.

RTT is actually a coaching session and therapy session at the same time and it is best described as guided meditation in which you actively participate. Sometimes there is laughter, sometimes there is crying, sometimes there is also swearing and that’s all right!


How we create lasting success

During the session we work on the cause of the problem. That is incredibly powerful and is absolutely necessary to solve it.

What ensures that it is also permanent is that at the end of the session, you receive a personalized recording with exactly what you need. No two recordings are the same, because it is based on what has come up during the session and on you want to achieve.

You can listen to this recording every day, for at least 21 days, after the RTT session. Thanks to the power of repetition, these personalized affirmations and suggestions are programmed into your mind and replace the old, negative beliefs you had about yourself or about life.

When you think differently and you feel different because of it, you change your own biochemistry and react differently. You no longer subconsciously stop yourself, you act differently and you achieve your goals with much more ease and elegance. Simply, you are the person YOU choose to be.


Q & A

Is hypnosis harmful to health?

No, on the contrary. Hypnosis is actually very good for your health. With hypnotherapy, you clear blockages so that you feel freer and more confident, so that your physical body experiences less stress, becomes healthier, and old complaints reduce or disappear.


Can you only hypnotize sensitive people?

Everyone is in a certain amount of trance at some point. Anyone can be hypnotized, and so can you. You just have to allow it. Hypnosis is a wonderfully relaxing experience that makes it all clear to you and you develop the power to improve the existing patterns in a way that benefits you and your life.

No, as a hypnotherapist I use techniques that work effectively for almost all people. Powerful, confident, or dominant people are also perfectly hypnotizable. Hypnosis is a natural state in which our brain waves are slower and into which we automatically descend at certain times of the day. This is natural and normal.


Are you completely at the mercy of the hypnotherapist during hypnosis?

No, you have complete control. Being hypnotized against your will is not possible and I am only there to guide and help you. Even during hypnotherapy you remain in control of your entire mental abilities and your own will to say ‘no’ to suggestions or assignments from the therapist. Your ability to relax — guided by the therapist’s techniques — determines how deep you go into trance.


Do I have to be relaxed to get into a trance?

No, by focusing on a problem, you focus on one aspect of your total consciousness and you automatically go into a trance. Your mind won’t wander anymore. For example, if you focus on your greatest fear, or sadness that lives within you, you will automatically go into a hypnotic state.


Can the hypnotherapist force me to tell my deepest secrets?

No, only you decide what you want to say. As a good therapist, I respect your privacy and also adhere to professional secrecy, which is my moral duty. Even without those details, RTT works and I can guide you further.

The only information I do need is how the unnamed details have affected you and how they make you feel.


How long does an RTT session take?

An RTT package always consists of more than one appointment.

Curiosity Call: During this call we discuss what you want to change in your life, how you want to feel and how I can help you with that. This call takes about 15min.

Intake call: When booking the intake call you will also receive the intake form. This saves us a lot of time during the call, we get to the core faster and makes the final result even better. This call takes about 30 to 45min.

RTT session: is the actual therapy part and lasts +- 2 hours. At this time, we can go deep into the root of the problem and achieve real results.

The personal recording: I make it for you at the end of the session or after it. You will receive this as soon as possible. It is important that you listen to this recording for at least 21 days, 1 to 2 times a day.

Follow-up: means that you are not alone for the next 3 weeks. Once a week we call or speak to each other via Zoom or Whatsapp video call. I answer all your questions and if necessary you can also receive some coaching. This usually takes between 15 to 30min. During the last conversation we look at how far we have come and what is still needed at that moment, or what you still want to change.


What if I can’t come to the practice in Lint?

If Lint is too far for you or if you prefer to just receive the therapy from your own seat, we will do so via Zoom. RTT works just as well online as it does face-to-face. About half of the sessions I do are via Zoom. It’s reliable, easy and free. Beforehand I will email you the instructions you need for a smooth therapy or coaching session.


How will I feel during and after the session?

During the RTT session you will feel comfortable and relaxed. What you experience during the session does not feel unknown.
How you feel immediately after the session strongly depends on how deeply the session has affected you. This is different for everyone: one stands up energetically and the other feels an intensely deep sense of reflection and wonder. Even long after the session you often discover even more about yourself. You always leave my practice (or Zoom) with a sense of understanding, freedom and strength.


Do you treat my data confidentially?

Absolutely. All customers can rest assured of confidentiality about all information they share in the session. This is in accordance with the professional code of conduct of RTT therapists. I destroy inactive files after three years to ensure total customer confidentiality.

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About Niki

I am Niki, 32, clinical hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist and Coach.

I am also a Dietless Life coach, Hormone Factor coach, mental coach and have studied Chinese nutrition.

The combination of a congenital thyroid problem and endless curiosity has set me on this hugely interesting path of personal development and health, and for that I am immensely grateful.

As a person…

  • I like to surf (in warm weather),
    I do my workouts mainly to get better at surfing,
  • I try to meditate every day and do at least 15 minutes of yoga every day
  • I am learning Portuguese
  • I have a small book addiction. Books on nutrition, health, the brain and personal development are among my favourites.
RTT therapeut Niki