Niki Van Oppens quote

What I Learned During a Work Meditation

Let me take you back to an experience I had in October.

For the first time I went on a retreat. Not a luxurious place with massages and yoga, but with meditation, more meditation, lessons about our personal energy field and… working meditations.


Yes, work meditations…

Before the retreat I didn’t feel like it at all, but I couldn’t cancel it anymore.

Consider this for a moment:
You pay quite a lot money for a retreat and you know about 2 weeks in advance that a daily work meditation of 1.5 hours is scheduled. This can range from pulling weeds in the garden, picking flowers for decoration, vacuuming in the Buddhist chapel to cleaning toilets and showers.

And that while you stay connected to yourself (or try to stay) and continue the morning meditation.

My ego (everyone has one, by the way) I didn’t think this was okay at all until I decided not to stay up in my head, but to ground myself for a while and get to myself. I asked myself, “What can I learn from this? What can I get out of this experience?’

Our brains ALWAYS look for an answer when you ask a question and the quality of your answers depends on the quality of your question.

When I was put in the garden for the 3rd time to pull weeds, I started to think further. Of course, we didn’t use pesticides, so everything was manual. I started to notice that if I just wanted to work really fast and I went through it with my rake harshly, the root of the weeds didn’t come out completely… so it would also grow back faster.


The lesson I learned while pulling weeds

If I pulled out the weeds with attention, in connection with myself and in connection with the earth, I could often remove the whole root. That woke me up to something. It’s just like getting rid of limiting beliefs, habits, or patterns with RTT or coaching!

Limiting beliefs, habits, and patterns are really just a part of us that we don’t appreciate for many understandable reasons, but it’s a part that tries to do something for us. We often find the origins in our childhood because there we learn a lot about ourselves and the world. More often than not, these patterns have arisen to protect us.

But if we pull out these patterns harshly, with speed, harshness, and without compassion or understanding, there will always be a part left behind because there is no safety in this way. That part of us that tries to protect or help us doesn’t just go away without being acknowledged and understood and without a solution it needs.


Some reflection questions for you:

  • What in you don’t you accept?
  • Where are you harsh for yourself?
  • What could you approach with more love and gentleness?


  • Who can you not accept?
  • Who are you demanding for?
  • Who could you approach with more love and gentleness?
  • What makes you approach that person so harshly?


Why those last questions?

Yogi Bhajan says: ‘Recognise the other person is you.’

The degree to which you have compassion and acceptance for another person is directly connected to the compassion and acceptance you have for yourself.

– Niki

How can I help you with that?

With the Being Unstoppable trajectory we tackle the cause and solve the problem, whether this is about emotional binge eating, ending up in the same patterns over and over again, or if you feel that something in you is holding you back from achieving your goals.

When we have found and solved the cause, we work on the practical where we create new habits.

Intuition also plays a major role. You learn to recognize your intuition and listen to it, so you will better recognize what you really need and you will stand in your way less.


If you would like to receive my guidance, please send me an email, call me on +32 495 18 36 68 or book an curiosity call immediately.

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Niki Van Oppens quote

Niki’s blog articles

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About Niki

I am Niki, 32, clinical hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist and Coach.

I am also a Dietless Life coach, Hormone Factor coach, mental coach and have studied Chinese nutrition.

The combination of a congenital thyroid problem and endless curiosity has set me on this hugely interesting path of personal development and health, and for that I am immensely grateful.

As a person…

  • I like to surf (in warm weather),
    I do my workouts mainly to get better at surfing,
  • I try to meditate every day and do at least 15 minutes of yoga every day
  • I am learning Portuguese
  • I have a small book addiction. Books on nutrition, health, the brain and personal development are among my favourites.
RTT therapeut Niki